Donnerstag, 29. November 2012

Winter is coming

Yay, a new post by me which nobody will see because I probably lost everyone who ever had interest in this one. I didn't even remember my own url properly, so yeaah.

But nevermind.
Today it is rainy and grey and I don't like this. I'm waiting for snow to come because it's gonna be winter.

Soo, I've found this on tumblr and thought I'd post it here for the best.

Since the start of 2012 I have:
Gotten a new piercing.
Dyed my hair.
Ended a relationship.
Started a new relationship.
Been on a long car journey. 
Passed an exam.
Cried on someone’s shoulder.
Had a massive fight with a boyfriend/girlfriend.
Received flowers. 
Had a Valentine.
Written a letter using pen and paper.
Gone to see a therapist.
Been prescribed medication by a doctor.
Read a really good book. (The Perks of being a wallflower..)
Gone to the zoo.
Spent too much money on unnecessary things.
Traveled by train.
Cried over a member of the opposite/same sex.
Spent a day out in the sun getting a tan.
Slammed a door out of frustration.
Had an anxiety attack.
Babysat for a friend’s child.
Had a BBQ.
Gone to the fair.
Gone bowling.
Seen a film at the cinema in 3D. (Yeah, I saw The Avengers in 3D..)
Gone on a date. 
Been the only sober one on a night out.
Helped someone home after they’d had too much to drink.
Stayed up all night.
Talked on the phone for over 2 hours.
Supported someone who’d received bad news.
Watched some kind of live sporting event.
Read an entire book in one day.
Bought a DVD the day it was released.
Eaten McDonald’s more than four times in a single week.
Cried as a result of exam stress.
Met some incredible new people. 
Fallen backwards off a chair. 
Broken my glasses.
Cried over someone in my past.
Spent hours aimlessly browsing the internet.
Thrown up. 
Cried over a film.
Gone out of my way to avoid an ex-boyfriend.
Fought with someone in public.
Been in a relationship for a year or longer.

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

And now I'm a believer..or else

Just wanted to drop some notes here:
I'm very happy at the moment, so this is good (ok, it's late and I'm tired but BESIDES I'm happy o.O)

I started to do a lot of social network stuff, so if you want to have a look at my weird site, okay, I mean my even weirder site ;), take this:!/stoefff

And my facebook, which probably is known by now:

I'm way too lazy to post here that often but I'm on facebook, twitter and tumblr most of my day so you'll get the whole picture there.

Now is the time for you to scream and run and move so I don't know how to write letters to you, Monika :P

I almost finished my thesis by now but I'm missing out on some books which is kind of freaking me out but I got enough time tomorrow to freak out, now is the time to go to sleep or something like that.

Sonntag, 27. Mai 2012

It's been a while once again..

I think I'm way too lazy to be a good blogger.
I'm so sorry for letting this blog rot - I shouldn't do that.

So, what's new and fresh over here? Let's see.
Johnny, Sam and Max got used to the fact that Rumo won't come back. They still act strangely when they're outside their cage but I guess that's because the toys still smell like him. I wanted to throw them away, they're made of old cardboards anyway, but I haven't found the strength for that. And I'm not quite sure if my sweethearts won't be bored without them. So, ya, I don't know. At the moment I don't even get inside the runout with them because Sam has fallen into his old habit again: he plays nice and then attacks one when you're trying to cuddle with him. It's kind of annoying and scares me.
As it is summertime again, I don't really have the patience to sit down with them for like an hour. The sun makes me like very active or something. I feel like a kangaroo which bounces all of the time and still doesn't get sleepy. It's a strange feeling.

On the private (I almost wrote pirate, lol) section, I've almost finished my Bachelor thesis, there are only a few pages left to write, then it has to be corrected and then I can deliever it and then I'm going to be without work until autumn. That will be a very strange feeling I guess. Well, let's see. I plan on doing a lot of traveling then. I want to buy an interail ticket and go through the East of Europe by train til I reach Greece. And a friend and me wanted to go to Ireland for a week or so to look for leprechauns. I also had the idea of doing some work & travel stuff in Australia. Aaand I desperately want to visit the USA again. So, we`ll see which of these many plans will be realized this or next year and which have to wait for a later time. I still don't know what I want to do after my graduation. It's Business Administration or Cultural Heritage Preservation or something really different. I don't know, still figuring...

Yeah, so here's an older pic, but it's describing today:

Dienstag, 17. April 2012

Time to say goodbye..

als du zu mir gekommen bist, hattest du eine 13stündige Autofahrt hinter dir und eine Vergesellschaftung vor dir..
Und du warst noch so klein, dein Bruder und du, ihr habt auf eine Handfläche gepasst.
Ich habe euch vor dem Leben im Tierheim bewahrt und dich sehr verwöhnt.
Du warst immer der Mutigste, deshalb heißt du auch Rumo, wie die Romanfigur von Walter Moers.
Deine Lieblingsbeschäftigung war, überall hochzuklettern. Am liebsten da, wo du es nicht solltest, wie in Bücherregalen und ähnlichem.
Wir haben nie den Draht zueinander gefunden, den ich mit Sam und Max habe..
Aber ich hab dich immer sehr lieb gehabt.
Gerade weil du so gerne geklettert bist, hat es mir sehr weh getan zu sehen, wie du immer weniger so konntest, wie du wolltest..
Es fing damit an, dass du von Rampen abgerutscht bist und dir die Fortbewegung im Käfig immer schwerer fiel.
Ich hab dann alles für dich behindertengerecht gebaut, die Rampen waren breiter und viel weniger steil und einige Wochen ging es dann auch besser.
Aber irgendwann konntest du dann nicht mehr.
Die Medizin hat dafür gesorgt, dass du viele Gramm abgenommen hast und nur noch Haut und Knochen warst, trotz Käse, Mais, Fruchtzwerg..
Seit einigen Wochen schon wohnst du nur noch ganz unten und deine Artgenossen fürchten sich vor dir und kommen nur, um dir ab und zu mal was von deinem Essen zu klauen. Und du randalierst, weil du dich alleine fühlst und langweilst, aber du kamst noch immer in den Auslauf und hast rumlaufen wollen..
Und nun, zum Schluss, ist auch dein linkes Vorderbeinchen gelähmt und du kannst nur noch auf der Seite liegen.
Mein Herz weint, aber mein Verstand sagt mir, dass es das richtige ist.
Auf der anderen Seite der Brücke warten Mais, Käse und Fruchtzwerg in rauen Mengen auf dich.
Und du wirst wieder toben können. Und klettern.
Komm gut rüber, mein Schatz. Du wirst immer in meinem Herzen sein.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.

Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far
Behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow.
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?